Ray J of love coming soon

So i really had all intention to have my ray j blog up however. Im in L.A. and there was slow speed chase on tv and i was distracted. folks thought it was DJ Khalid. but it was a regular ass balling business man in a white Bentley.

Bentley leads police on slow-speed chase in Los Angeles

tonight i got you tho.... raj j coming soon


  1. Well ACTUALLY, everybody thought it was Chris Brown, even the paparazzi on the ground. THEN all the twitterlings said it was Kanye because of the Illinois plates, then the actual visual of the man looked like DJ Khaled. They SAY it was just a businessman(still a human life, r.i.p. sad businessman), BUT seems fishy to me. I am waiting for the autopsy report.

    You heard it here first...

    You might be saying," GET YOUR OWN BLOG"!
    I have to ease into that.....

  2. I figured out yesterday why Danger rubs you wrong... but I will hold that comment for your ray J blog.


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